When was Atlas Energy Solutions incorporated?

Atlas Energy Solutions was incorporated on February 3, 2022. Our predecessor, Atlas Sand Company, LLC, was formed on May 23, 2017.

When did Atlas Energy Solutions become a public company?

Atlas Energy Solutions became a public company on [*]

When is Atlas Energy Solutions's fiscal year end?

Atlas Energy Solutions follows a calendar year fiscal cycle with a December 31 fiscal year end.

What is Atlas Energy Solutions’ stock symbol?


Where is Atlas Energy Solutions located?

Atlas Energy Solutions is headquartered in Austin, Texas with proppant production operations in Winkler and Ward counties, Texas and proppant logistics operations located in the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico.

Who is Atlas Energy Solutions’ transfer agent?

American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC (“AST”) is our transfer agent. You may contact them toll-free at (800) 937-5449.

Who is Atlas Energy Solutions’ mining and geologic consultant?

John T. Boyd Company

Does Atlas Energy Solutions issue a K-1 or 1099 for tax reporting purposes?

Atlas Energy Solutions is a publicly traded C-corporation and, for the vast majority of investors, issues 1099 forms annually. AESI is organized as an Umbrella partnership C-corporation (“Up-C”), and a small number of investors who held partnership units prior to our IPO continue to hold partnership units in the Up-C structure. These investors will continue to receive a K-1 until the year after they either convert their partnership units into publicly traded shares or exit their position. AESI does not have a tax receivable agreement.

Does Atlas Energy Solutions pay dividends?

We expect to pay dividends on our common stock in amounts determined by our board of directors.

Where can I find Atlas Energy Solutions’ SEC filings?

Atlas Energy Solutions’ SEC filings are available on the SEC filings section of our website, here: SEC Filings. They are also available on the SEC’s website at https://www.sec.gov/edgar.

Does Atlas Energy Solutions have a direct stock purchase plan?

We do not currently have a stock purchase plan. Please contact a licensed stockbroker or use an online brokerage account to purchase our shares.

What is proppant?

Proppant is used in the stimulation of hydrocarbon-bearing shale reservoirs as a method to enable production from oil and natural gas wells. During this process, proppants are blended into a fluid mixture and injected downhole into the wellbore at high pressure. This creates cracks in the resource-bearing rock allowing for proppants to become lodged in these cracks, resulting in increased permeability of the reservoir, and in turn, driving greater production of hydrocarbons over the life of the well.